For over a decade the award-winning guidebook series has revealed to coffee fans where they can sip and source the very best speciality-grade coffee in the UK

The first Indy Coffee Guide was published for the South West in 2014. As a result of requests from the speciality coffee community, it was quickly followed in 2015 by a guide for the north of England, and in the years since we have created guides for Scotland, Ireland, Wales and London. We’re the only publisher that creates coffee guides for the whole of the UK.
The guides are published by Salt Media in association with a committee of leading coffee experts in each area who help us to identify who should be invited into the guide, based on meeting the following criteria: commitment to a high quality coffee experience, use of UK-roasted speciality-grade beans, two brew methods or two coffees available at any time and independent ownership.
We’re a small, coffee-mad team based in north Devon who champion all things independent, authentic and innovative. When we’re not on caffeine-filled tours sniffing out new coffee destinations or working on the production of the next guide, you can find us at major coffee events and festivals taking place across the country.
The guides are available from the roasteries and cafes featured in the guides, Waterstones, independent bookstores and our website shop.